Home » Blog » How to marinate meat with Peperita products?


published on 06/04/2024 Marinating meat is an ancient art that takes flavors to a whole new level. Not only does it add depth and complexity to the taste of the meat, but it also tenderizes it, preparing it for succulent and flavorful cooking. And when it comes to marinating meat with Peperita products, the culinary experience becomes a journey through the most exquisite aromas.

What should never be missing:
11 Peperita herbs: This blend of organic herbs, including rosemary, garlic, sage, juniper berries, bay leaves, oregano, thyme, marjoram, mint, wild fennel, and nutmeg.
Organic extra virgin olive oil from Il Cavallino: The fatty component is essential for carrying and blending the flavors of the herbs into the meat. Il Cavallino's organic extra virgin olive oil not only performs this task perfectly but also adds a touch of richness and softness to your marinade.
Habanero or Fueghita or Chillimone Peperita seasoning: For a touch of spiciness and acidity, opt for one of these unique seasonings. Habanero seasoning adds vibrant spiciness and bold flavor, while Fueghita offers a balance of spiciness and acidity, or Chillimone, which besides containing chili, vinegar, and salt, like Fueghita, has an exceptional lemon aroma. The acidic component serves to achieve a sort of "pre-cooking" of the meat, where these acidic substances come into contact with the proteins and break them down, making the meat tender.

The marinating process:
Now that you have all the necessary ingredients, it's time to start the marinating process. Here's how to do it:
  1. Prepare the marinade: In a bowl, mix the 11 Peperita herbs with Il Cavallino extra virgin olive oil and add the chosen seasoning (Habanero, Fueghita, or Chillimone). Make sure to create a homogeneous mixture so that all the ingredients blend perfectly.
  2. Prepare the meat: Choose the cut of meat you prefer and make sure to cut it into evenly sized pieces. This will ensure even marination and cooking.
  3. Marinate the meat: Dip the meat pieces into the marinade, making sure they are completely coated with the mixture of herbs, oil, and seasoning. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours, or ideally overnight. This will give the herbs time to penetrate the meat and infuse their delicious aroma.
  4. Cooking the meat: Once the marinating time is up, it's time to cook the meat. You can grill it, bake it, or pan-fry it, depending on your personal preferences. Regardless of the cooking method chosen, you will be rewarded with tender, succulent, and flavorful meat.