Home » Recipes » Meat/Fish dish » Red Cuttlefish


Calories: 150 Kcal

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 20 min

Difficulty: easy

Cost: low
Reducing salt in our diet means reducing excess fluids. The World Health Organization recommends staying below 5g of salt. This is the amount found in 100g of ham, 200g of bread, and 100g of cheese. Salt is well-hidden in many products; reducing its consumption, even in the preparation of our recipes, could improve many aspects of our health!

Here's a simple, tasty recipe using spices instead of salt: Red Cuttlefish!

400g cuttlefish
200g tomato puree
1/2 onion
water and wine
extra virgin olive oil "Il Cavallino"
1 garlic clove
Peperita 11-herbs spice blend

In a pressure cooker, lightly sauté the onion with parsley and garlic. Add the previously cut cuttlefish. Pour in the tomato puree and add spices to taste! Close the lid and cook for 10 minutes!

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