Home » Recipes » Pasta dishes » Artichoke Stem Frittata


Calories: 0 Kcal
Ingredients: Artichoke stems, peeled and chopped 1 clove of garlic Eggs Salt "Tartuff Peperita" Oil (truffle-flavored Peperita oil)

  1. In a pan, sauté the artichoke stems with a finely chopped clove of garlic until they become soft and lightly golden. Adjust the salt to your taste.
  2. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl and season with salt.
  3. Pour the beaten eggs over the artichoke stems in the pan, distributing them evenly.
  4. Cook the frittata over medium-low heat until it becomes solid around the edges and lightly golden on the surface.
  5. Once cooked, transfer the frittata to a serving plate and drizzle it with a dash of "Tartuff Peperita" Oil for an extra flavor boost. This frittata is a delicious way to use artichoke stems and create a tasty dish rich in flavors.

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